
We need your voice to advocate for the rights and needs of people with disabilities. We can help each other connect with lawmakers, media, and community leaders.

Advocate for Change

Our Advocacy Efforts

Ray Graham Association (RGA) was born from the grassroots efforts of a few families over 70 years ago. We still prioritize advancing public policy to positively impact people with disabilities. 

People with disabilities depend on government spending for their health, education, and living needs. Did you know that over 15,000 Illinoisans with disabilities are waiting for the opportunities they deserve—opportunities to foster great days filled with joy and purpose? Thanks to your advocacy, RGA is changing that statistic one person at a time.

At RGA, your civic partnership is essential for the well-being and dignity of those we support.

Our Wage Campaign

As a founding leader of the They Deserve More coalition, RGA is one of over 80 agencies fighting for higher wages for our dedicated Direct Support Professionals (DSPs). Before 2017’s budget, there was no wage increase for over a decade. Since the start of the campaign, wages for DSPs have increased by $2.50. We hoped for more, but it is a significant step forward. We continually advocate for further DSP wage increases.

Our Advocacy Committee

RGA’s Advocacy Committee consists of people who receive services, families, Board members, and RGA Team members. We focus on issues important to the people we support and act as champions to make our voices heard and preserve quality services for people with disabilities at all levels.

Stand with us and get involved. Join the Advocacy Committee by emailing

Advocacy Resources

Civic Resources