Hands-on with Paul

Monarch Services offers five flexible programs that meet people—and especially young adults—where they are during times of transition. Monarch Academy has teamed up with the Naperville Park District to provide young people like Paul opportunities to learn to evaluate their environment, develop social skills, and connect with their community.
Along with friends from Monarch Academy and Bell Community Learning Services, Paul adopted Knoch Park in Naperville and committed to weekly volunteering activities, including picking up litter, weeding around the memorial trees, and raking the playground area.
“It was hard to use the grabbers at first. Then, it was okay,” said Paul. You could hear the pride in his voice when he said, “We helped to make the park look good.” Paul and his friends enjoy a varied schedule that fosters hands-on learning through volunteerism, self-advocacy, and recreation. With your help, we’re able to increase people’s independence by increasing their community integration.
Do you know a young adult who is transitioning from high-school programs to adult support systems? Monarch Services are designed specifically for this community. If this sounds like a good fit for you or someone you know, they can learn more at RayGraham.org/Monarch-Services.