Ryan's Leadership
From the moment Ryan donned his Gateway Gators jersey, it was clear that he was no ordinary athlete. His basketball skills were impressive, but it was his infectious enthusiasm and unwavering sportsmanship that truly set him apart.

Ryan's Leadership
Recreation Services
Gateway SRA
From the moment Ryan donned his Gateway Gators jersey, it was clear that he was no ordinary athlete. His basketball skills were impressive, but it was his infectious enthusiasm and unwavering sportsmanship that truly set him apart. Ryan’s voice often heard rallying his teammates with a spirited “We got this—never give up!”, has become the heartbeat of the team.
But Ryan’s story doesn’t end on the basketball court. Encouraged by his teammates, he ventured into the unfamiliar territory of softball. Despite never having picked up a bat or thrown a ball, his love for his team inspired him to give it a try. The transition wasn’t easy. Learning the fundamentals of softball and adapting to the regulations of the Special Olympics was a daunting challenge. Yet, with the guidance of his coaches and the support of teammates, Ryan’s determination shone through.
Michael, a Gateway SRA basketball coach, often marveled at Ryan’s genuine interest in others. “Ryan is one of the most selfless people I have had the pleasure of coaching,” Michael shared. “He takes a super interest in his coaches and teammates’ lives, always asking, ‘How’s everything in your life, Coach Mike?’”
Today, Ryan is not just an athlete but also the team recruiter, public relations, and marketing executive for the Gateway SRA teams. His leadership and welcoming nature create a positive atmosphere for new players to flourish. As Ryan continues to mature with our athletics programs, he reminds us that with heart and hustle, anything is possible.