
Stay updated on the latest news and stories from Ray Graham Association. You can read about our achievements, challenges, and plans. 


Welcome to the the latest news and success stories from Ray Graham Association. We support nearly 2,000 people and employ around 300—that's a lot of good news that we're proud to share!

Saddle up with Amalia

Although many nonprofits hit hard times during the past few years, Ray Graham Association is proud to announce it has expanded its services for people with disabilities. This summer, the Hanson Center horsemanship program launched Barn Buddies Lunch Club, and Amalia was an eager founding member! More…

Hanging with Holt

Gateway Special Recreation Association (SRA) promotes the full participation of people with disabilities in meaningful activities that maximize their health, well-being, and quality of life. Holt began participating with Gateway SRA in 2012 as an athlete in our Gators program and training and competing with Special Olympics Illinois. He loves playing basketball, volleyball, soccer, and softball and competes in golf and track and field. More…

At Work With Sheila

Employment provides people with disabilities a sense of dignity and purpose. Ray Graham Association partners with about 150 businesses and institutions throughout DuPage, Will, Cook, Grundy, and Kane counties to help people with disabilities find a job and find the right fit. A significant milestone for any new employee is 90 days on the job, and Sheila just achieved that goal. More…

Hands-on with Paul

Monarch Services offers five flexible programs that meet people—and especially young adults—where they are during times of transition. Monarch Academy has teamed up with the Naperville Park District to provide young people like Paul opportunities to learn to evaluate their environment, develop social skills, and connect with their community. More…

Community Needs Grant from DuPage Foundation

Ray Graham Association receives $24,835 community needs grant from DuPage Foundation. More…

Serving Pride and Independence

The heart of every home is the kitchen, and that is where you can usually find Tom. As someone who eats a gluten-free diet, Tom knows that the best way to learn about what you are eating is to prepare it yourself. More…

Hanson Center Administrator Riding into the Sunset

Ray Graham Association announced that Cathy LeBeau, the Horsemanship Administrator for the Hanson Center, has decided to retire effective February 12, 2021. Leah Doweidt will assume the principle leadership duties upon Cathy’s retirement. More…

Ray Graham Association Reports on a Transition in Residential Services

Ray Graham Association has completed the transformational plans to their residential services announced in December 2019. We have voluntarily closed the Iona Glos Specialized Learning Center while acquiring and remodeling four homes. More…